Discount Value of Cisco CCENT and CCNA Certification Exam Vouchers Increases
Discount Value of Cisco CCENT and CCNA Certification Exam Vouchers Increases
Cisco continues to make strong investments in its certification and training program to meet the growing demand for skilled and qualified networking professionals. To facilitate growth, maintain competitiveness, and standardize exam pricing, Cisco has increased the standardized global prices for the following Cisco certification exams, effective January 16, 2012:
Please be advised that Cisco Networking Academy students who are eligible for vouchers for these exams will not be affected by the price increases. Cisco is increasing the value of student voucher discounts for eligible Networking Academy students by 8 percent, from 50 percent to 58 percent, to eliminate the impact of the price increases for our students.
Students who registered for the exam prior to January 16, 2012, will not need to pay the increased exam prices. Students who request a voucher on or after January 16, 2012, will receive an increased discount voucher to accommodate the new exam pricing.
While the timing of the price increase was planned to minimize the impact on as many students as possible, there may be some students who requested a voucher earlier than January 16, 2012, but did not register for the test prior to that date. Unfortunately, those students will need to pay an additional US$12.50 for the ICND1 or ICND2 exams and US$22.50 for the CCNA Composite exam.
We appreciate your support and understanding that occasionally Cisco does adjust exam prices without prior public notice. Going forward, Networking Academy voucher-eligible students will receive a higher discount voucher to eliminate the impact of the recent price changes.
Requesting a Voucher
Eligibility requirements remain the same for discount vouchers:

A qualifying student automatically receives a Discount Voucher Request link after their instructor enters a passing grade for the student in the Grade Book. These request links will appear on the Student Home page in the Career Development section, as shown in the example below:

A discount is valid for 12 months from the day you pass the related final course exam. You must request your exam discount voucher and take your certification exam within this time. No extensions will be made to the discount expiration date. For example, if you took your exam on Aug. 12. 2012, your discount voucher would expire on August 11, 2013. If you have questions, refer to the Certification and Vouchers FAQs.