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Firefox OS

Firefox OS – Mobile Operating Sytem by Mozilla

Firefox OS
is a new mobile operating system developed by Mozilla’s Boot to Gecko (B2G) project. It uses a Linux kernel and boots into a Gecko-based runtime engine, which lets users run applications developed entirely using HTML, JavaScript, and other open web application APIs.

Head to the Developer Hub for tools, tutorials, and services for app developers.


Firefox OS is currently under heavy development; we are constantly working on ways to make it easier for you to use and hack on Gaia (the default set of apps) and create your own. However, you need knowledge about systems in order to do things like

build the entire Firefox OS stack, or flash a phone with a build of Firefox OS. Linked below are guides meant for Web developers interested in running and making changes to Gaia or developing apps to run on Firefox OS devices.

Introduction to Firefox OS
Introductory information about what Firefox OS is and how it works.
Writing apps for Firefox OS
Documentation about creating Firefox OS applications.
User experience
Style and user experience guides—as well as code patterns and templates—to help you create attractive, consistent apps for Firefox OS.
The Firefox OS platform
Documentation about the Firefox OS platform, including Gonk, Gaia, and everything in between. This includes documentation for building and installing the platform onto devices, as well as building the simulator and emulators.
Documentation about security in Firefox OS; this includes topics about security devices from every perspective: for app developers, device integrators, and so forth.
Articles about optimizing Firefox OS applications.
A guide to resolving common problems with Firefox OS.
Debugging on Firefox OS
A guide to debugging both your mobile apps and Firefox OS itself.
Firefox OS developer phone guide
A guide to the Firefox OS developer phones Mozilla provides to some developers. This guide also applies if someone installed Firefox OS on your phone for you.

Muhammad Shaukat

Content Developer at LearnAcad.com

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