How to request a CCNA Discount Voucher?
To request a Discount Voucher, please follow the steps listed below:
2. Click on the ‘Request for CCNA Voucher’ link located in the ‘Career Development’ or ‘Professional Development’ section of your Home Page
3. Before you request a voucher please read the information located on the ‘Request a Voucher’ page
4. Choose the Country
5. Choose the Testing Center
6. Click ‘Submit’
Please Note: After completing the Voucher Exam, the link that allows Students the ability to request a discount voucher may take up to 48 hours to appear. If you are not eligible to receive a discount voucher for a particular curriculum, you will not receive the ‘Request a Voucher’ link.
After completing the request, you may review your discount voucher information in your profile. The details are accessible by clicking on the ‘My Profile’ link at the top of your Home Page and scrolling down to the Voucher Information.
If you have further questions about Cisco vouchers refer to the FAQs at Cisco Networking Academy Vouchers, contact, or contact the Cisco Legal Public Sector Compliance Team at